Dining & Extras
Buffet Dinner
A pre-concert all you can eat buffet is available prior to each show starting at 5:45pm. The reservation must be made at least 7 days prior to the concert due to seating limitation. An email is sent to attendees about 2 weeks prior to the show informing interested persons in the menu and seating information. "It's Divine Catering", supplies the buffed. Price is $25 per person and is paid (preferably in cash) the night of the show. Do we have your email address? If not, please sent an email to us at tsconcerts@yahoo.com to be added to the list!
From the Board of Directors & Staff: Cindy Hook, Gary Croston, Kathy Miller, Tom Snyder, Ray Humbertson, Karen Slemmer, Judy Geary, Marty Miller, Jim Jenkins, Debbie Jenkins, (Sound/Lighting) Erich Bucholtz & John Shedlock, (Video) Jim Rowan, (Production Assistants) Michael & Ashlyn Duncan, (Program Designer) Jim House, (Web Manager) Thelma Grogg, (Emcee) Jim Van.
Special Thank You to the
Ali Ghan Shrine Club for use of their facilities & to 'It's Divine Catering' for the buffet.
The biggest Thanks goes out to our supporters and audience. Without you none of this is possible.
Cash Bar
The Ali Ghan Shrine Club offers a cash bar. You can enjoy an adult beverage of a cocktail, beer, or glass of wine with dinner and for the show.
You must be 21 years of age to purchase alcoholic beverages.
There is a $10 minimal purchase to use a credit card.
We are a non-profit 5013C community organizations and any donations are appreciated.
A 50/50 raffle is held at each show which acts as a fundraiser for the Rockin' Classics series. Tickets are sold prior to and at intermission with winning number being drawn at end of intermission. Tickets are $1 each of 10 for $5.00. Concert staff will be on hand to sell. Please consider supporting ... and take a chance on winning!